Want to start a Small Food Business in your own kitchen? Yes, you can! Join the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and the Seattle Public Library for a free six week workshop to find out if your food business idea makes sense, and how to get started.
Class includes rules and regulations, marketing, keeping records, financing your business, packaging and required labels. Qualified individuals will be able to take advantage of free one-on-one business consulting with a Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship business advisor after they complete the series.
Mondays, 6:00pm – 7:45pm
Week 1: February 27
Week 2: March 6
Week 3: March 13
Week 4: March 20
Week 5: March 27
Week 6: April 3
For details, link here: www.eventbrite.com/e/first-step-start-a-home-based-or-cottage-food-business-tickets-293405634