Resource Guide
Looking for help growing a food business or working in the food industry? Use this guide to connect with the right resources.
Step 1: Select your goal.
Step 2: Click on the category that matches your needs.
Step 3: Read through the results and choose a local organization to help you.
Step 4: Call, email, or visit the organization for assistance.
Resource Tag: sourcing
White Center Chamber of Commerce
White Center Chamber of Commernce was created to unify and advance the interests of the White Center business community, in a manner that leverages and attracts investment, makes White Center businesses more profitable, expands Chamber membership to be more representative of our ethnic diversity, protects the long-term economic and community viability of the entire White Center area, promotes the public safety, and makes White Center a more livable place to shop and to raise a family.
Washington State Department of Commerce
We are the lead state agency charged with enhancing and promoting sustainable community and economic vitality in Washington. We administer a diverse portfolio of more than 100 programs and several state boards and commissions, all focused on achieving one clear and simple mission: to grow and improve jobs in Washington.
Washington State Department of Agriculture
The Washington State Department of Agriculture serves the people of Washington by supporting the agricultural community and promoting consumer and environmental protection.
Washington Small Business Development Center (Seattle)
The Washington Small Business Development Center (WSBDC) is a network of business advisors, trainers, and support staff who operate from Washington State University, Western Washington University, several of the state’s community and technical colleges, and selected economic development agencies.
Washington Small Business Development Center (Everett)
SBDCs have been helping Washington businesses achieve their full potential for more than 30 years through expert business advice, comprehensive research, and reliable assessments.
Washington Small Business Development Center (South Seattle)
The Washington Small Business Development Center (WSBDC) is a network of business advisors, trainers, and support staff who operate from Washington State University, Western Washington University, several of the state’s community and technical colleges, and selected economic development agencies.
Ventures Food Business Incubator Program empowers individuals with limited resources and unlimited potential to improve their lives through small business ownership.
U.S. Department of Commerce – Minority Business Development Center Agency
MBDA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce that helps to create and sustain U.S. jobs by promoting the growth and global competitiveness of businesses owned and operated by minority entrepreneurs.
The Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce
We are a non-partisan group that aims to bring together civic, professional and business leaders for advocating, fostering and protecting the interests of our members.
Pinchot University – Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
CIE's vision is that through entrepreneurship and community wealth building strategies, participants in our programs are empowered to build resilient, sustainable, and equitably shared community wealth.